jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015


Some questions on Pre-Algebra 4: Whole numbers, Integers and the Number line:
  1. The counting numbers are also called ......
  2. Natural numbers start with ..............
  3. Which number is not included in natural numbers?
  4. When was the symbol to represent zero needed?
  5. Natural numbers plus zero are known as ...........
  6. Which property has number zero? And number one?
  7. Why do we say that the whole numbers are closed under the operation of addition?
  8. Why do we say that the whole numbers are NOT closed under the operation of subtraction?
  9. Give some examples of the use of negative numbers.  
  10. What means adding a negative number? What means adding a positive number?

Some questions on Pre-Algebra 11: Fractions and Rational Numbers:

  1. Why do we say that integers are NOT closed under the operation of division?
  2. Historically, how were the earliest fractions called?
  3. What is a unit fraction? Give some examples. 
  4. Which rule did the ancient Egyptians have when adding unit fractions?
  5. How did the Egyptians write two fifths? Copy the example. 
  6. In the video, you can watch an important Egyptian papyrus. Write down its name and when it dates back and why it is very important. 
  7. What is the relation between a common fraction and a unit fraction?
  8. How is the collection of integers and fractions called?
  9. Can you divide by zero? 

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